You have all these good and bad and complex figures. I think [Caesar] Augustus is one of the most fascinating. Basically, through a really harsh approach, he established two hundred years of world peace.
— Mark Zuckerberg

FACEBOOKLAND is an artistic reflection on being one of 2.89 billion monthly active users of this virtual society. FACEBOOKLAND combines audio storytelling with surrealist photography and virtual reality to create an explorative art gallery experience. FACEBOOKLAND is a Pay What You Can experience thanks to the direct support by The Satellite Fund, administered by SPACES and funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Regional Regranting Program.

Please use the form below to schedule your time in FACEBOOKLAND, coming to Maelstrom Collaborative Arts January 21st -24th 2022 (5403 Detroit Ave, Cleveland 44102) - additional viewing day added Saturday Jan 29th 2022.
A Pay What You Can art gallery experience, payment can be accepted after appointment confirmation at:ā€‹ paypal.me/WelcometoMidnight, CashApp $jazzyfilmmaker Venmo @Jasmine_film

Masks and Vaccinations required! Please see full details + accessibility information below

COVID19 PROTOCOL: Maelstrom Collaborative Arts requires all guests to be masked and vaccinated. Up to two guests can attend per appointment, with a maximum of four guests per hour. The VR headsets will be wiped down between uses. There will be other pop-ups for FACEBOOKLAND throughout 2022, and Iā€™m currently developing a remote option, so please prioritize your personal safety and comfort first!

Accessibility Notes: FACEBOOKLAND is a virtual reality experience set in the Lola Hall performance space at Maelstrom Collaborative Arts. Guests are invited to explore the VR space with the headsets provided and are able to take the headsets off at any time. Guests must be masked and vaccinated to attend, seating will be available, the entrance to the space has a small ramp and a single use bathroom is on site.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or concerns - jasmine.celluloid@gmail.com